Greens First – Antioxidant Power

Greens First – Antioxidant Power of
15 Plus Serving of Fruits & Vegetables in Every Serving!

Organic – Gluten Free

For A Complete Scientific White Paper on Greens First, Click Here

greens first fruits and vegetablesThe USDA announced that Americans need to eat approximately 50% more vegetables, 150% more fruits, 250% more orange vegetables and 350% more green vegetables every day! That’s a recommendation of 7 to 13 servings per day to improve health and prevent chronic disease. But, with today’s busy lifestyles, it isn’t always possible!

Now you can rebalance & rejuvenate your body and your health with a daily serving of organic Greens First. It’s the delicious and fast way for the entire family to enjoy the phytonutrient and antioxidant benefits of a diet rich in dark greens and brightly colored fruits and vegetables in one easy-to-use product.

Healthy Never Tasted So Good

Greens First is a synergistic blend of 49 super foods, extracts and concentrates including super greens, organic fruits and vegetables, probiotics, soluble and insoluble fibers, herbs, spices, natural flavonoids and enzymes.

It is hard to get all of the fruits and vegetables I need every day. Greens First has made things so easy for me and my family. We just drink it once a day and we all actually really like it. Even our 3 year old asks for his green drink.

Thank you Greens First

-Jen G.

Experts agree that adding fruits and vegetables to your diet may help to:*

healthy person on bike– Increase Energy Levels without Stimulants
– Boost the Immune System
– Promote Healthy Heart & Liver Function
– Assist in Weight Management
– Balance Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
– Promote Mental & Cognitive Acuity
– Alkalize and Balance Body pH
– Reduce Risk For Debilitating Chronic Health Conditions
– Reduce Inflammation, Relieve Stiff & Achy Joints
– Maintain Healthy Bones
– Detoxify and Increase Longevity

Other Healthy Reasons

– Helps to Reduces Appetite and Improve Metabolism
– Assists in Improving Digestion
– Aids in Better Elimination
– Help to Promotes Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails*

Greens First Is Not Only Great For You, But Great Tasting Too!

– 100% Natural – Every Ingredient Possible Is Organic
– Low Calorie-Only 40 calories and under 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving
– Mixes easily without a blender.
– Vegetarian & Vegan
– Easy to Digest
– Sweetened with Stevia – a Calorie Free Herb
– No GMO
– No Nano Particles
– No MSG or Yeast
– No Dairy, Eggs or Animal By-products
– No Corn, Rye or Wheat
– No Artificial Ingredients, Sweeteners or Preservatives
– Rich in Alkaline Nutrients to Balance Your Body’s pH Levels

Greens First Mixing Directions

greens first bottleGreens First is delicious when mixed with water or your favorite beverage.

Add 6 to 8 ounces or more to taste of water and stir in 1 scoop of Greens First briskly

Best Time To Drink Greens First

Greens First can be enjoyed anytime during the day. But most people find it most beneficial to take it the first thing in the morning within 30 minutes of arising. You can also take Greens First before and after exercising.

Greens First mentioned in Allure Magazine,

April 2008! Greens First was mentioned in Allure Magazine, April 2008 issue as a favorite product of the medical doctor interviewed for the anti-aging article!

– Jeannette Graf, M.D.
Former Professor of Dermatology, New York University Medical Center

“Every morning, I have an alkalizing cocktail to start my day.  My favorite kind, Greens First, actually tastes sweet and give me tons of energy!”   – Jeannette Graf, M.D.

Testimonials– Here’s What Others Are Saying…

I just finished my first container of GreensFirst…Unbelievable!
After being taken off HRT by my docs, I tried every over-the-counter product from Etroven to Black Cohosh, etc. This is the first product that totally relieves my hot flashes day and night. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  I feel like I’ve gotten my life back. 
– Rebecca Benoit

“GreensFirst is the perfect nutritional foundation for almost every wellness, weight management, or therapy program. ”
– Robert L. Gear, D.C., N.M.D., Phoenix, AZ

“As a triathlete, I have noticed a definite increase in my endurance. It’s good tasting, too!” Michael
– J. Failla, D.C., Main-Line Medical, Milford, PA

Here’s What the Experts Say:

fruit and vegetable heartEating fruits and vegetables, particularly dark green leafy vegetables, appears to have a protective effect against coronary heart disease.
-Annals of Internal Medicine, 2001, Vol 134, No 12, pp 1106-1114

Men and women whose diets were high in fruits and vegetables were shown to have lower rates of angina, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, cirrhosis, gallstones, heart attack, kidney stones, and peptic ulcers.
-Epidemiology, 1998, Vol 9, No 2, p 208

Green barley juice contains 13 times more carotene than carrots, 55 times more vitamin C than apples, and 5 times more iron than spinach. “Young barley grass is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods in nature.”
-Yoshihide Hagiwara, M.D., Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Toxicology, UC Davis

Spirulina increased antibody responses and the activity of natural killer cells, which destroy infected and cancerous cells in the body.
-UC Davis Health System, Weekly Update, Dec., 2000, pp 1-2

Chlorella is the most significant breakthrough I’ve seen in over 25 years! There is nothing better for finally helping you feel the way you want to feel.
-Michael Rosenbaum, M.D., Director of Orthomolecular Health Medical Society

We recommend trying lecithin for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, fatty liver, and to improve mild memory impairment.
-D.W. Johnson, Ph.D.; D.J. Molker, Ph.D., Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of England

Green tea has been demonstrated to protect against chronic gastritis.
-International Journal of Cancer, 2001, Vol 92, No 4, pp 600-604

Resveratrol was able to inhibit the initiation and promotion of tumors, and cause pre cancerous cells to return to normal.
-Science Journal, 1997, Vol 275, No 5297, pp 218-220

“… the current evidence collectively demonstrates that fruit and vegetable intake is associated with improved health, reduced risk of major diseases, and possible delayed onset of age related indicators.”
-Diane Hyson, Ph.D., M.S., R.D. The Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables: A Scientific Overview for Health Professionals

Greens First Ingredients

Greens First contains Certified Organic fruits, vegetables and barley grass which are first juiced, then dried at low temperatures, leaving all the important nutrients and live enzymes intact.

100% Natural – Every Ingredient Possible Is Organic

greens first ingredients

• Sweetened with Stevia – a Calorie Free Herb
• Vegetarian & Vegan
• Easy to Digest
• Non-GMO
• No Nanotechnology
• No MSG or Yeast
• No Corn, Rye or Wheat
• No Dairy, Eggs or Animal By-products
• No Artificial Ingredients, Sweeteners or Preservatives
• Rich in Alkaline Nutrients to Balance Your Body’s pH Levels

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Antioxidant value determined via an independent ORAC analysis (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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